Friday, May 22, 2009

dOd ke-Ge'eR-an

Ge'er... Tapi merasa status itu untuk-ku. Don't know.. Tapi aku merasa seperti itu..

Tiba-tiba dia online di YM, kemarin.. Yea.. Aku mengaku, belum menghapus YMid-nya... Kalaupun dia membaca tulisanku ini, it's okay. Mungkin dia akan menghilang lagi. Tapi toh aku sudah memenuhi janjiku, untuk tidak menghubunginya, bahkan ku anggap dia sudah mati (ooops). Aku memenuhi janjiku. Maaf jika YMid itu masih bertengger di YM-ku. Itu hanya untuk mengetahui sebenarnya dia baik² saja (karena aku tidak akan pernah memafkan diriku sendiri jika sampai terjadi sesuatu yang buruk padanya gara² aku, aku akan menyesalinya seumur hidup). *again.. Ge'er*

I hope, semoga dia baik-baik saja. Semoga Allah melindunginya dan memberikan seluruh Kasih Sayang-Nya... Ya Allah, jaga dia baik-baik. Sesungguhnya dia adalah hambaMu yang baik, bimbing dia, Ya Allah. Berikan dia yang terbaik dan ridho-Mu untuknya agar Engkau memaafkannya, luruhkan semua dosa-dosanya. Dengan itu, aku pun sudah tulus memafkannya. Amien

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cuppycake Song

Jadi inget.. pernah pke ringtone ini... So missed all those moments.. Dan ini adalah kenangan terakhir yang akan kukubur dalam².... Maafkan aku... Dan sekarang yang kukejar adalah masa depanku dalam kehidupan yang baru.. I just wanna try to be a new sweetie pie.. need another sweeter.. So, still.. goodbye my dreams, goodbye my past, goodbye my sugarplum..

You're my Honeybunch, Sugarplum
Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie
You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop
Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye
And I love you so and I want you to know
That I'll always be right here
And I love to sing sweet songs to you
Because you are so dear

Monday, May 18, 2009

Lagu Rindu - Kerispatih

Ini lagu kita, sugarplum? don't you remember it?
Ijinkan aku untuk mengingatmu, membayangkanmu, menyayangimu, mencintaimu selamanya...
oh my sugar plum.. ingat semua kenangan kita.. semuanya..

dear my sugarplum, how are you there?
do you miss me like i do?
do you reminds me like i do?
selama ini, aku hanya memendam semuanya. maafkan aku telah salah menilaimu. maafkan aku yang tidak mengerti penderitaanmu. maafkan aku tidak menjadi wanita di grade perasaanmu yg tertinggi..
so good bye sugar plum... i miss you..
please, always be mine.. yesterday, today, tomorrow and until the days after tomorrow.. forever..


Monday, May 11, 2009

"It's" calling again

This is the third times i'd been annoyed by mysterious calls.
*Mysterious calls?* Yup... Someone calls me in middle of the night.. Always almost 2 AM. And the weird is.. He never talked... Just keep silent till he turned off the phone.
I just heard the sounds of someone drinks, occasionaly cough or knocked on something.. And in the end.. He turned on the music... for 10-20 seconds and then.. phone is hang up..

The first called, it's been a few days ago. He played some old song, i don't know the title or the band is. Like any kind of country songs, or slow rocks.. like jon bon jovi, or air supply... or some kind of it.. (i'm not sure) ... I just remember a lyric.. "... I have no need the word.. bla bla..".
Haha.. I forgot.. TT_TT
Last night... He played song, "Lagu rindu by Kerispatih". This song is reminds me to someplace in my past, i'd sing this song with someone. That is my favourite song. It's scary me already.. = ='

Who is he? I know for sure, it's 'He', from his cough voice. I always asking... "who is this? who are you? what u want? what u mean? Hey, dont be quiet.. just talk!!". I'd never take upon to say his name. But I think i know who he is.

But last night, i've finally called his name... And then he getting cough.
Yup, i'm right.. It's HIM!! But he still on his silent.
Just gulping sounds over there. Hufff.. Why he's not talking? What he wants? So annoying.. But actually... I would like to hear his voices. Listen to his words. But, there is nothing. Just keep on silence...

God ..
Is that him? Did what i'm guess is right? So what is he doing? Why he annoyed me? What is his purposed?

*oooh... my head was spinning around if i think about it*

Who ever you are.. JUST TALK!!! I dont like silence.. =(